Amiga Magazin: Amiga-CD 1997 November & December
Amiga-CD 1997 #11-12.iso
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$VER: cP!_ShowConfig V1.3 ©1997 by Campino
Zeigt Deine System-Configuration in einem ReqTools-Requester an !
Shows your System-Configuration in a ReqTools-Requester !
Copyright ©1997 by Campino (campino@gmx.net) !
1) Kopiere die identify.library und die rexxidentify.library in dein
LIBS: Verzeichnis.
2) Kopiere das File "cP!_ShowConfig" irgendwo hin, wo Du es fuer richtig
haelst ! :)
3) Starte cP!_ShowConfig entweder von der Shell oder doppelklicke es
einfach auf der WB !
4) Fertig ! Nun muesstest Du Deine System-Configuration sehen oder in
ein File abspeichern :)
1) Copy identify.library and rexxidentify.library in your LIBS: Directory.
2) Copy the File "cP!_ShowConfig" in a directory of your choose !
3) Start cP!_ShowConfig from Shell or double-click it on the WB !
4) Ready ! Now you can see your System-Configuration or save it to a file :)
Moechtest Du gerne ein Keyfile fuer cP!_ShowConfig ? ja ? Dann schreib
einfach eine Mail an Campino@gmx.net und nenn mir einfach deinen
REALNAMEN !!!! Du bekommst dann ein Keyfile von mir und schon bist Du
registriert ! Achja, die registrierung kostet dich NICHTS !!!!!!!!!!
Would you like to have a Keyfile for cP!_ShowConfig ? yes ? Then write
me a EMail to Campino@gmx.net and write me your REALNAME !!!! I create
then your personal Keyfile and send it to you ! Erm.. the registration
is FREE ! You have NOTHING to pay !!!!!!!!!!
V1.0 (02.08.1997) - First Version ! Not released ! Only for internal
V1.1ß1 (02.08.97) - Fixed many bugs. Added the "About" Window. Not released.
V1.1ß2 (03.08.97) - Again Bugfixing. Optimized the Program for more speed !
Not released !
V1.1ß3 (06.08.97) - cP!_ShowConfig shows now ALL your external Boards
correctly !! A B-I-G Thanks to Sascha Reissner !!
Not released !
V1.1 (06.08.1997) - First released Version on Aminet !
I hope it works correctly ! :)
V1.2ß1 (13.08.97) - Added a "Save-Routine" that saves your system-
configuration to a file in ram: called cP!_Showconfig.txt
Fixed a few bugs. Added a Init-Routine for
rexxidentify.library, that future versions of
rexxidentify.library works with cP!_ShowConfig !
Added more nice Stuff about your System !
Fixed the Save-Routine for a bit more speed :)
V1.2ß2 (14.08.97) - Fixed a very damn bug ! Now cP!_ShowConfig works
100% correct (I hope) ;-) !
V1.2ß3 (18.08.97) - Added a "simple just for fun" Keyfile Routine.
If you would like have a personal Keyfile, just write
me ! Changed my EMail Address.. note: campino@innocent.com
is still active !
V1.2 (23.08.1997) - Added a little "Nerv-Requester" if you have no
cP!_ShowConfig Keyfile !
Released on Aminet !
V1.3ß1 (30.08.97) - Changed the "external-boards" routine. You have now
a new Output :)). If Last Alert = FFFFFFFF then
cP!_ShowConfig displays "No Alert yet... :)" !
V1.3 (14.09.1997) - Removed the Beta-Requester. Optimiezed the Mainprg.
Released on Aminet.
Wenn man cP!_ShowConfig ueber die Workbench startet (also zum Beispiel
ueber das Icon) stuerzt cP!_ShowConfig beim beenden ab ! :-(
Ich habe es bisher NICHT geschafft diesen Bug zu beheben :(
Aufruf an alle GUTEN Arexx-Programmierer: Wer kennt sich SUPER
mit Arexx aus und haette mal Lust sich das Programm anzusehen ?
Schreib mir ! Aber zuerst moechte ich ein paar Namen der Programme,
die DU schon programmiert hast !
When you start cP!_ShowConfig from the Workbench, cP!_ShowConfig
crash on exit ! :-( I have no idea what to do, to fix this heavy bug :-(
Are you a GOOD Arexx-Coder ? Have you GOOD knownledge with Arexx ?
Whant you help me to fix this bug ? Mail me, I send you the
Source-Code of cP!_ShowConfig ! Please write me before a few
Prg's that YOU have coded !
THANX go to the following people:
Felix Schwarz - For BETA testing and a few tips.
Sascha Reissner - For BETA testing and help for the external Boards
Routine !
Richard Koerber - For his nice identify- and rexxidentify.library !
Markus Kuhnen - For his nice cP!_ShowConfig.Icon !
identify.library and rexxidentify.library are © by Richard Koerber !
Moechtest Du gerne ueber Neuigkeiten von cP!_ShowConfig informiert werden ?
Moechtest Du gerne neue Versionen (auch BETA-Versionen) von cP!_ShowConfig
direkt via EMail bekommen ? Du kannst auch anderen cP!_ShowConfig
Usern schreiben, um Neuigkeiten Auszutauschen oder wenn Du Probleme
hast. JA ? Dann sende eine EMail an
CampinoBOT@gmx.net und schreib im Betreff "subscribe cP!_ShowConfig"
(ohne >"< !). Du bekommst dann eine kleine EMail, dass Du in die
Mailingliste aufgenommen bist. Moechtest Du in die Mailingliste
schreiben, so sende einfach eine Mail an
"ShowConfig%CampinoBOT@mailings.gmx.net" (ohne >"< !) und Deine
Mail wird an alle eingetragenen User geschickt !
Moechtest Du von der Mailingliste geloescht
werden, so schreib eine EMail an CampinoBOT@gmx.net und gebe im
Betreff einfach "unsubscribe cP!_ShowConfig" (ohne >"< !) an !
Would you like added to my Mailinglist ? In the Mailinglist you
would be informed about news from cP!_ShowConfig and you will get new
versions (also BETA-versions) directly via EMail from me !
You can also talk to other cP!_ShowConfig Users if you have
problems or so.
YES ? Send a EMail to CampinoBOT@gmx.net with the subject
"subscribe cP!_ShowConfig" (without >"< !). You will receive a short EMail
that you are subscribed. Would you like to send a Mail to all subscribed
Users, write a EMail to: "ShowConfig%CampinoBOT@mailings.gmx.net"
(without >"< !) and your mail will send to all subscribed Users !
To unsubscribe: Write a EMail to
CampinoBOT@gmx.net and type in the subject "unsubscribe cP!_ShowConfig"
(without >"< !).